Pukenui wetlands

Pukenui wetlands

On the 30 th of June, Nic carried out the final inspection on the Pukenui wetland restoration project. It was extremely satisfying to finish such a long and challenging project. Terra Tangata worked closely with Te Tumu Paeroa and agencies to protect and enhance a 30 ha wetland on behalf of several Maori shareholders. The work involved developing a plan with Heritage New Zealand that would promote the biodiversity values while protecting (or not affecting) the rich heritage values of the site. The plan was accepted and a consent granted.

Terra Tangata offered a full package of services from planning the project in partnership with Te Tumu Paeroa, applying for funding, applying for a consent with Heritage New Zealand and project managing the delivery of the work. The work involved the construction of a deer fence, the establishment of over 15 000 trees and the control of weeds. With the adjoining Pahnui wetland, Terra Tangata has directly contributed to the retirement and enhancement of over 60 ha of rare wetland ecosystems.

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